Source code for lowEBMs.Packages.ModelEquation

In ``lowEBMs.Packages.ModelEquation`` modules are defined which build the EBM from functions given to it. The operation of this modules is adding the given functions :math:`F_1,F_2,...F_i` according to the following scheme (compare :doc:`physical background <../models>`):

.. math::

    y= \\frac{1}{C_{ao}} \cdot (F_1 + F_2 + ... + F_i),

with the deviation function :math:`y=\\frac{dT}{dt}` required by the ``lowEBMs.Packages.RK4.rk4alg`` and :math:`C_{ao}` the heat capacity of the system which is passed to the right side of the model equation.

import numpy as np
import builtins
from lowEBMs.Packages.Variables import Vars
from qualname import qualname

[docs]def model_equation(eqparam,funccomp): """ The module which builds and evaluates the EBM by adding functions parsed through the **funccomp**. Input has to be given as `Dictionaries` supplied by ``lowEBMs.Packages.Configuration.importer`` from a specific **configuration.ini**. **Function-call arguments** \n :param dict eqparam: Configuration dictionary containing additional information for the model equation: * C_ao: The systems heat capacity (times the height of the system) * type: float * unit: Joule*Meter/Kelvin * value: > 0 :param dict funccomp: Configuration 2D dictionary containing function names and function parameters used: * funcnames: a dictionary of names of functions defined in ``lowEBMs.Packages.Functions`` which are added up. See :doc:`here <functions>` for a list of functions * funcparams: a dictionary of functions parameters corresponding to the functions chosen within **funcnames**. For details on the parameters see the specific function :doc:`here <functions>` :returns: The temperature gradient :math:`\\frac{dT}{dt}` (Kelvin/seconds) :rtype: float or array(float), depending on 0D EBM or 1D EBM. In 1D, output is an array containing the temperature gradient for each latitudinal belt. """ y=0 #variable which can be used to sum up functions funclist=funccomp['funclist'] #Extracting needed arrays from the funccomp array funcparam=funccomp['funcparam'] C_ao=eqparam['c_ao'] #Extracting Equationparameters if builtins.parallelization==True: C_ao=np.transpose(np.array([C_ao]*len(Vars.Lat))) if np.shape(C_ao)==(builtins.number_of_parallels,) else C_ao for funcnum in funclist: if builtins.control==True: if qualname(funclist[funcnum])[:7]=='forcing': pass else: y += funclist[funcnum](funcparam[funcnum]) #Calling the selected function and sum them up else: y += funclist[funcnum](funcparam[funcnum]) #Calling the selected function and sum them up return y/C_ao #output of y, weighted with the heat capacity